
Acharya Bangalore Business School (ABBS), Bangalore, Karnataka

Based on 34 reviews 3.2

Acharya Bangalore Business School (ABBS), Bangalore, Karnataka

Address: Andrahalli Main Road, Off Magadi Road, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560091, India

Phone: (080) 23245515, 23245516, 23245517, 23245518

Website: http://www.acharyabbs.ac.in

Category: Management

Acharya College of Education, Bangalore, Karnataka

Based on 31 reviews 4.6

Acharya College of Education, Bangalore, Karnataka

Address: Soldevanahalli, Hesarghatta Road, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560090, India

Phone: (080) 28938711, 28372441, 28393542, 28372330

Website: http://www.acharya.ac.in

Category: Arts

Acharya College of Nursing, Bangalore, Karnataka

Based on 31 reviews 4.5

Acharya College of Nursing, Bangalore, Karnataka

Address: No. 51, Opp. C.I.L. Layout Cholanagar R.T. Nagar Post, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560032, India

Phone: (080) 23530369, 23543916

Website: Website: Not Specified

Category: Medical

Acharya Deshabhushan Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Belgaum, Karnataka

Based on 3 reviews 3.4

Acharya Deshabhushan Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Belgaum, Karnataka

Address: Shantinagar, Bedhikihal-Shamanewadi, Belgaum, Karnataka - 591214, India

Phone: (08338) 261166

Website: http://www.lesayurvediccollege.com/index.html

Category: Not Specified

Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies, Bangalore, Karnataka

Based on 14 reviews 3.5

Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies, Bangalore, Karnataka

Address: Soldevanahalli, Hesarghatta Road, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560090, India

Phone: (080) 28938711, 28372441, 28393542, 28372330

Website: http://www.acharya.ac.in

Category: Arts, Commerce, Fashion and Interior Designing, Information Technology

Acharya Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka

Based on 16 reviews 4.2

Acharya Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka

Address: Ist Stage, Ist Cross, Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560058, India

Phone: (080) 28398699, 28698711

Website: Website: Not Specified

Category: Not Specified

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka

Based on 35 reviews 3.5

Acharya Institute of Management and Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka

Address: 1st Cross, 1st Stage, Peenya, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560058, India

Phone: (080) 65679112, 65679113, 28376430, 28390433, 41179588

Website: http://www.acharyaims.ac.in/

Category: Arts, Commerce, Information Technology, Management

Acharya Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka

Based on 11 reviews 4.0

Acharya Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka

Address: Soldevanahalli, Hesaraghatta Main Road, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560090, India

Phone: (080) 28396011, 23723466

Website: http://www.acharya.ac.in/ait.php

Category: Engineering, Information Technology, Management

Acharya Institutes of Health Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka

Based on 40 reviews 3.4

Acharya Institutes of Health Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka

Address: No. 51, Cholanagar, R.T. Nagar Post, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560032, India

Phone: (080) 23432525, 23530369, 23543913, 23543914

Website: http://www.acharyabbs.ac.in/HealthScience-BPT.html

Category: Medical

Acharya ITI, Bangalore, Karnataka

Based on 39 reviews 3.2

Acharya ITI, Bangalore, Karnataka

Address: I Cross, I Stage, Peenya Industrial Estate, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560058, India

Phone: (080) 28376430 / 28390433

Website: Website: Not Specified

Category: Not Specified

Total records: 3043
