
St. Teresa's College, Ernakulam, Kerala

Based on 13 reviews 4.3

St. Teresa's College, Ernakulam, Kerala

Address: Park Avenue Road, Near Govt.Guest House, Ernakulam, Kerala - 682011, India

Phone: (0484) 2351870, 2381312

Website: http://www.teresas.ac.in

Category: Acting, Dance and Drama, Arts, Commerce, Fashion and Interior Designing

Lasya College of Fine Arts, Kannur, Kerala

Based on 39 reviews 4.0

Lasya College of Fine Arts, Kannur, Kerala

Address: Pilathara PO, Via Mandur, Kannur, Kerala - 670501, India

Phone: (4972) 2800976, 2801723

Website: http://lasyafinearts.com

Category: Acting, Dance and Drama, Arts

Total records: 2
