
College of Management & Technology, Patiala, Punjab

Based on 16 reviews 3.5

College of Management & Technology, Patiala, Punjab

Address: Shanti Nagar, Near Sirhind By-Pass Road, Behind Urban Estate, Phase-II, Patiala, Punjab - 147002, India

Phone: (0175) 2285416, 2371182

Website: http://www.cmtpatiala.in/

Category: Information Technology, Management

Desh Bhagat Institute of Management & Computer Sciences, Gobindgarh, Punjab

Based on 48 reviews 4.8

Desh Bhagat Institute of Management & Computer Sciences, Gobindgarh, Punjab

Address: Mandi Gobindgarh, Gobindgarh, Punjab, India

Phone: (01765) 501999, 520523, 520524

Website: http://www.deshbhagatinstitutes.com

Category: Information Technology, Management

M.M. Institute of Management, Ambala, Haryana

Based on 37 reviews 4.8

M.M. Institute of Management, Ambala, Haryana

Address: Mullana, Ambala, Haryana, India

Phone: (01731) 304100

Website: http://www.mmumullana.org

Category: Commerce, Management

Rayat and Bahra Institute of Management, Mohali, Punjab

Based on 10 reviews 3.6

Rayat and Bahra Institute of Management, Mohali, Punjab

Address: Sahurana, Near Kharar, Distt.Mohali, Mohali, Punjab, India

Phone: (0160) 5009663 , 5009675

Website: http://www.rbim.rayatbahra.com

Category: Information Technology, Management

Rayat Institute of Management, Ropar, Punjab

Based on 31 reviews 3.5

Rayat Institute of Management, Ropar, Punjab

Address: P.O. Railmajra, 6 Km. from Ropar on NH 21, Distt. Nawanshahar, Ropar, Punjab - 144533, India

Phone: (01881) 270790, 270500

Website: http://www.rim.rayatbahra.com

Category: Information Technology, Management

Rayat- Bahra Institute of Management, Hoshiarpur, Punjab

Based on 26 reviews 4.2

Rayat- Bahra Institute of Management, Hoshiarpur, Punjab

Address: Village : Bohan. 3 KM.from Hoshiarpur on Hoshiarpur -Chandigarh Highway, Hoshiarpur, Punjab - 146001, India

Phone: (01882) 275500, 275501, 275502

Website: http://www.rbimh.rayatbahra.com

Category: Information Technology, Management

Indian Institute of Cost and Management Studies and Research, Pune, Maharashtra

Based on 4 reviews 3.3

Indian Institute of Cost and Management Studies and Research, Pune, Maharashtra

Address: 85/1, Law College Road, Pune, Maharashtra - 411004, India

Phone: (020) 25431972, 25441524

Website: http://www.indsearch.org

Category: Commerce, Management

B.S.S. College of Management and Technoloy, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Based on 18 reviews 3.6

B.S.S. College of Management and Technoloy, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Address: #31-B Laxminagar II, Niwaroo Road, Jhotwara, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

Phone: (0141) 2346375

Website: http://bsscollege.com

Category: Information Technology, Management, Science

Hind College of Management & Information Science, Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh

Based on 20 reviews 4.4

Hind College of Management & Information Science, Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh

Address: Near Bamanheri Railway Station, Roorkee Road, Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh - 251001, India

Phone: (0131) 2646161, 2441382

Website: http://hindcollege.org

Category: Arts, Commerce, Fashion and Interior Designing, Information Technology

Jhunjhunwala Business School, (Faculty of Management, Jhunjhunwala Degree College), Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh

Based on 5 reviews 4.2

Jhunjhunwala Business School, (Faculty of Management, Jhunjhunwala Degree College), Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh

Address: Dwarikapuri, Dabhasemar, Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh - 224133, India

Phone: (05278) 246883

Website: http://www.jbsfaizabad.com

Category: Management

Total records: 446
