
This field teaches an individual to make money within a limited span of time. They can also work as security traders. You can also work as a dealer, advisor or security analyst. You can also work as:- securities, corporate, life insurance, mutual funds, municipal bonds, certificates of deposit and other investments. This field is very wide and hence, you will find number of clients, interested in dealing with you. This field also helps in making money within a limited span of time. A s stock broker, you are suppose to have a graduate degree in your hand.

You can find information about degree, diploma and certificate courses for Stock Broking. You can also fine colleges and universities offering these courses.

Degree Course in Stock Broking


Diploma Course in Stock Broking

Diploma In Stock Analysis and Trading (DSAT)
1 YearsView All Colleges
Post Graduate Diploma in Capital Market and Financial Services
1 YearsView All Colleges
Post Graduate Diploma in Fundamentals of Capital Market Development
1 YearsView All Colleges

Certificate Course in Stock Broking

Certificate Course in Stock Market
1 YearsView All Colleges
CFA - Chartered Financial Analyst
1 YearsView All Colleges

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