
An appropriate strategic planning is all about management. Personal management, work/life balance, financial security, and goal achievement are all included in the management techniques.

PG degrees and diplomas have been started by the educational system to provide knowledge about management strategies in the cooperate world. Even the leading MNCs are providing education for all their employees in their training sessions. Full-time and part-time courses are made available by all the B-schools to provide management education. Long term courses and short term courses are also introduced. MBA (Full Time),MBA(Executive), MBA(Executive)Health Care Administration and Doctoral Programs are also initiated. Specializations in management fields include:- Organizational Effectiveness & Change, Financial Management, Human Resources, Marketing Management, Quantitative Methods, Computer Applications in Management etc.

Industrial visits, campus placements, selection and recruitment strategies are common. The management structure includes:- Development of overall goals and objectives, Development of a strategy (a general means to accomplish the selected goals/objectives), Development of the specific means (policies, rules, procedures and activities) to implement the strategy, and Systematic evaluation of the progress toward the achievement of the selected goals/objectives to modify the strategy, if necessary. The fee structure for part-time courses start from 27,000-30,000 Rs. The full-time fee structure starts from 60,000 Rs onwards.

The industrial pay-scale is very high for freshers and also for experienced ones.
