
07 Oct 2013

Type: Admission Notices

University: Kerala University / University of Kerala

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission into the two year MBA (Evening) Degree Programme in the Institute for the academic years 2013-2015.

Eligibility Conditions

  • Any student who has passed Degree or Masters Degree from any Indian Universities under the regular stream recognized by the University of Kerala and shall be in 10+2+3 pattern (or in 10+2+4).

  • In all the cases the student who have passed the Degree Examination with not less than 50% marks in aggregate when the marks of Part I, II and III marks are aggregated (without approximation, that is 49.99%  is not eligible since it is less than 50% ) is eligible for admission. SC/ST candidates shall be given relaxation as per University rules.

  • Candidates passed Degree of the other Universities should produce the Eligibility Certificate issued by Kerala University (Course Equivalency Certificate) at the time of admission.

Selection Procedure

  • Selection to the course will be made on the basis of a written test, group discussion and interview to be conducted at Institute of Management in Kerala, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Thiruvananthapuram-695581.

  • The usual reservation principles applicable for admission to the post graduate departments of University of Kerala will be applicable to this programme also.

How to Apply

  • Application forms can be downloaded at http://www.keralauniversity.ac.in or www.imk.ac.in.

  • Filled in forms to be sent along with a KUF Chalan of Rs.500 or a Demand Draft for Rs.510 drawn in favour of the Finance Officer, University of Kerala payable at Thiruvananthapuram. The DD should be drawn from any branch of SBT/SBI or District Co-Operative Bank and the name and address of the candidate and the purpose of the DD should be indicated on the back of the DD.

  • Duly filled in application should reach the

    Prof. & Head
    Institute of Management in Kerala
    University of Kerala
    Kariavattom Campus
    Thiruvananthapuram – 695581.

The last date of receipt of application forms: 30th Nov, 2013

